From My Heart to Yours

 Bro. Bill Scroggs


After The Snow

January 26, 2025

In Arkansas we get significant snow or ice events every two to three years.  This past weekend was probably the deepest snow along with the temperatures close to or below freezing for three days. That combination kept the parking lot too dangerous for services.  The downtime, while not welcome, gave me some time for reflection. I was able to watch about five different preachers and get some different perspectives.  I was able to watch my great grandson at his dedication service in Rogers.

One thing I noticed, there were no services I would rather been a part of than our services at First Baptist Church Petit Jean!  I missed our singing and fellowship.  I missed you and your smiling faces.

As the Psalmist says in Psalm 122:1, “I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord!”


It Snowed!

January 19, 2025

What a beautiful snow!  A nice snow brings an air of excitement.  It is pretty to watch as it flutters to the ground, covering trees, houses and imperfections in our streets and yards,

Children come alive with the prospect of getting out of school and having fun romping in the snow.  Some teachers even enjoy a day of beak especially if it can come on a Friday or Monday.

When the snow coats everything and makes it look pure and white, it reminds me of the forgiveness GOD gives us through His, Jesus’ blood.

Isiah 1:18 tells us, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”


 A New Year

January 5, 2025

Celebrate!  Another New Year!  A new year is another second or third or sixtieth chance.  To be able to try again might be what we learn to do over and over.  I for one am glad GOD gives us mercy, grace and forgiveness multiple times.

Hopefully this year will bring us closer to GOD and His desire for us and our lives.  Celebrating another year another trip around the sun, we gather more friends and maybe more relatives.  This means we have more influence on others.

The wise writer of the book of Hebrews gives us these words of encouragement as believers in chapter 12 verse 1, “Wherefore seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth as so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”

Finish strong, make your years count.



Praise GOD for His Blessings

December 29, 2024

God has again blessed us to be able to meet and even exceed our goal for missions.  It is a blessing to exceed the goals, not just for the money, but for the knowledge that we are able to have an impact on not just local missions, but also around the world.

Our world is getting smaller, and I am reminded of that many times every month.  As Dad was visiting with our daughter, Rebeca, this past week, he shared with her that as she was teaching students from other parts of the world, he had been to their country when he served in the Navy as a young man.  May we never forget the impact we can be having worldwide may come back to bring the gospel to our children and grandchildren or great grandchildren.

Thank you for generous gift to Reta and Me for Christmas.  It is a blessing as we are reminded how blessed we are to serve with you.  As the apostle Paul said in Philippians 1:3, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.”


Can You Imagine?

December 22, 2024

Every time you look upon the face of a newborn baby there is an air of excitement wondering what the future has in store for that child and its family.

Even with the new improvements in ultrasound pictures, the thrill of holding and looking at the face and features of the child brings new thrills.

But think back to the birth of Jesus.  The Christ child’s birth was announced to His mother and earthly dad by angels.

Even before His birth, Jesus impacted not only Mary and Joseph, but also Mary’s cousin, Elizabeth, and her baby, even in the womb.

How does a baby make each of us feel?  Some see ‘just’ a baby while others see what can be and hope for what might be.

What was seen by the shepherds, the wise men or others as they saw the child?

Could we have been affected as was Simeon who took Jesus up in his arms and blessed God and said. ” Mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people.  A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel (Luke 2:28 – 32).”

Can you imagine?


Do You Hear What I Hear?

December 15, 2024

Does that remind you of a familiar Christmas song?  When I was thinking about that this week, I thought about the sounds and messages from the first century.  The shepherds heard and received the blessing of the message.  The wisemen saw the star and got the message.

However, there were multitudes that failed to hear, or did they just fail to comprehend the message?  A generation at that time missed not only the message, but also the messenger.

John 1: 11-13 says, “He came unto his own, and his own received him not.  But as many as received him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”

Is our generation hearing God?


The Hustle and Bustle

December 8, 2024

This is the time to rejoice and give thanks as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Have you had opportunities to have your plans change and get to enjoy the interruption?

I am sure that could have been the way that Mary and Joseph could have felt as their plans were changed from betrothal to the announcement from the angel.

Then how about let all have a census to count everyone and to further complicate the issues, you must return to the city of your birth to be counted.

Of course, you couldn’t email it in or even better they were not allowed to text it in either.

But, every crisis brings its own blessing. Can you imagine the closeness and fellowship the young couple enjoyed as they made their way to Bethlehem?

Enjoy the journey. “And the peace of GOD which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts through Christ Jesus.”


The Road to Bethlehem

December 1, 2024

Over two thousand years ago a young couple made their way to Bethlehem, the city of David, for a census called for by Caesar Augustus.  While they were there the time came for Mary to give birth to Jesus who came to bring salvation to all of the world.

As I thought about the circumstances and the trials, they must have had at that time I thought back about forty years ago when Reta was expecting our first child.  We were warned not to travel any farther than necessary in the last four to six weeks, so we pretty much stayed put for the last few weeks.  We only lived about a mile away from the hospital and I remember us planning the route and timing the trip a time or two.  There were few unnecessary trips made during that time due to the discomfort Reta was in.

Luke 2:1-4 tells us, “It came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.  (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)  And all went to be taxed, everyone into his own city.  And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and linage of David:)

Every bump on the road to Bethlehem was an answer to prophecy for our benefit.  Jesus made the trip from heaven to earth to be born of a virgin, going through all that was necessary to bring salvation to us.


In All Things Give Thanks

November 24, 2024

Tis the season to give thanks, as if we need a season to reflect on the reasons to give thanks.  We are blessed to live in the best country in the world even with the challenges we face.  We live in a beautiful state with a variety of scenery that keeps it interesting.

Another great blessing is the community where GOD has place us.  The beautiful views from one end to the other side of the mountain and everywhere in between are accentuated by the personalities sprinkled around every corner.  As the apostle Paul says to his friends in the churches, “I thank my GOD upon every remembrance of you.”

I see that sentiment at every turn as neighbor greets neighbor and reaching out to old friends and even strangers visiting the mountain.  While giving thanks, let us with the apostle Paul say, “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, Rejoice!”


That Recipe

November 17, 2024

With the holidays around the corner many of us are thinking about a special dish from years gone by.  The problem is sometimes the one who has always made that cake, casserole or pie may have passed on or for some other reason may not be available.  That is why recipes are passed down from grandmother to son or daughter.  However, many times as hard as you try you never can achieve the same results of the original creator.  In spite of all the meat, bread, vegetables and desserts, the most important ingredient of all is the love and fellowship in each of our gatherings.

The same is true as we begin to work on our CHRISTmas program.  There are people we miss as we start the practices, but the best part is the new faces and smiles of those who give what they have as an offering to GOD and the ones who come to see the program.  The ingredient that is missing is not as important as what is there.

As the boy with the five loves and two fish, be willing to give what you have.  Above all else, as Hebrews 13:1 says, “Let brotherly love continue.”  And as 1 John 4:7 says, “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of GOD.”


A Lot To Be Thankful For

November 10, 2024

What a terrific week!  We began with a nice amount of rain to help get us out of the drought conditions we have faced for the past month.  The dust is settled, and we can breathe and get out of the fire danger we have had.

One little stumble happened along the way on Monday afternoon as I was walking, I mis-stepped and took a fall.  During the tumble I broke my crown, bit my lip and a few other minor scrapes.  However, all in all I am grateful that it wasn’t worse.  When I hit my chin and broke my tooth on the upper side, how did it not break or at least scratch my nose?

I have much to be thankful for.  I can as the apostle Paul said in Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again, I say rejoice.”

Yes, a lot to be thankful for.


When We Walk With The LORD

November 3, 2024

In the divisive and wicked days, in which we live, does it really make a difference if we walk with The Lord? Think about the great-great grand father of a man most of us have at least heard of, Noah. His great-great grand father was Enoch, a man who was so close to GOD, he was chosen by our Creator to come on up to be with Him.

In Genesis 5:24 the writer said, “And Enoch walked with GOD: and was not; for GOD took him.” This happened when the world had become so wicked it caused GOD to want to destroy man. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. I like to think Enoch and his faithfulness had an effect on his great-great grandson that made a difference in his life.

I pray as a Dad, grandad and great-grandad that I remember and follow the words of the hymn written by John H Sammis (1887), Trust and Obey, that says, “When we walk with the Lord in the light of his word, What a glory He sheds on our way! While we do his good will He abides with us still, and with all who will trust and obey.”


Of Course It Didn’t

October 27, 2024

The answer has to do with the question asked.  The inquiry I was thinking about was, “Did it rain on your parade?”  The answer at least for this month, would be a resounding, ‘NO.’  We have not had even a good sprinkle all this month.  The question, however, always depends on your perspective.  To some, their day was ruined because it didn’t rain.

Every day we can find something to be disappointed about, or we can choose to set our sights on things above as mentioned in Romans 8:28. “For we know, all things work together for good to them that love God. to them who are called according to His purpose.”

To that end, follow Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”


Are You Ready?

October 20, 2024

It’s that time of the year, yes, the time we have all been waiting for. Choir season begins to prepare for our CHRISTmas program!

Phyllis announced that we are going to start this Sunday afternoon at 5:00(pm). I know you maybe wondering, ‘Can I join?’

The answer is, “Yes!” Phyllis is looking for folks who (1) Want to be there. (2) Are willing to be faithful. (3) Want to make a joyful noise. (3) Have a desire to have fun working with others. (4) Want to be a blessing to others. (5) Finally, want to receive a blessing by sharing your time and talents with others.

Come join the fun, be an encouragement to Phyllis and as the writer of Psalm 150:6, says, “Let everything that hath breath praise The LORD. Praise ye The LORD!”


The Majesty Of It All

October 13, 2024

This week we knew about the chance to see the northern lights, so Reta and I set out on a ride to see what we could see.  After about an hour and a half, all we were able to see was the other side of the mountain.  We were never in the right place to see the sight we were looking for, but we did see many interesting things and we both agreed we at least had the best company, each other.”

We have enjoyed 51 years of marriage, many miles and myriads of adventures.  In that time not all of them have worked as intended, but it’s been quite a ride.

Thank you for the gift you blessed us with and more than that the prayers and love you have shared with us.  As Paul said in Philippians 1:3-4, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy.”


Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief

October 6, 2024

 (ABDR) has deployed teams to Georgia in response to the widespread damage from Hurricane Helene.   Hurricane Helene made landfall in the Big Bend area of Florida just southwest of Perry as a dangerous Category 4 hurricane with wind speeds of 140 mph, life-threatening storm surge, and torrential rains.  The storm tracked northward rapidly with impacts in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Southwest Virginia. It has caused historic rainfall flooding, wind damage, and generated some tornado activity. 

ABDR is leading efforts in the Valdosta, Georgia, area with an Incident Management Team, chaplains, and assessors already on the ground. ABDR recovery teams deployed to Valdosta on Monday, Sept. 30.  Additionally, the ABDR Red River feeding unit left Monday for Vidalia, Georgia. ABDR is also sending a 200-kilowatt generator to Vidalia and a 100-kilowatt generator to Augusta, Georgia, where Missouri Disaster Relief is manning a site and needed additional generator power. 

Be in prayer for our teams as they travel and serve,


Give Us This Day

September 29, 2024

Jesus taught us to pray in this way in Matthew 6:9-13, “give us this day our daily bread…”

As we pray this we can realize, He already has. He has given us the bread of life, His word. We are told in Matthew 4:4, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”

The Holy Bible is the Word of God and if we receive and enjoy His word each day, it will give us the strength to face each day.

The prayer of Jesus also reminds us that God gives us forgiveness as we forgive others, reminding us to be loving to others as He is loving toward us.

The prayer reminds us instead of being a sponge, to be a channel of blessing letting God’s love flow through us.


It May Be Fall

September 22, 2024

Even though we have still had some 90 degree temps this week, there are signs of fall all around. We have had a little bit of cooler temps and some rain and fairs taking place. Guns and bows are being cleaned and readied for hunting seasons to open.

We have had a big, beautiful Harvest Moon with a partial lunar eclipse and mostly clear skies to have the best views. Crops are being brought in from the fields even as some are continuing to mature.   I even saw some ducks and geese flying in the fields in northeast Arkansas, though I couldn’t discern for sure if they were local or migrating.

Some trees are already beginning to change colors, so we will soon have beauty as well as leaves to rake. By the calendar it is fall and the good news we see in Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”


GOD Bless You!

September 15, 2024

Every year as we remember the attack on America on 9/11/2001, I am reminded of the emotions I/we felt during that day and the next few weeks. I wanted to hear from my children, parents, siblings, other relatives and friends. I wanted to assure each of these that I loved them and needed that contact. When a new crisis comes along, or the anniversary of tragic events, it is good to know where everyone is that we love and care about.

The apostle Paul in his letters to his friends and the early churches used this phrase in Colossians1:3, or something similar, “We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you.”

That is exactly how I feel on days like this, I give thanks to God for each of you praying for blessings on each of you and your families.

God Bless you. 


My Hope Is Built…

September 8, 2024

Again, too often we are seeing violent acts against fellow human beings. One of the headlines said, “2000 Families Impacted.” My immediate thought was, “NO, many more of us are impacted.” Each of us is affected by these events. I think not only about that school, the students, the faculties and families there, but also the officers and first responders and hospital staffs involved.

Then I think of every parent, child, officer and school staff that wonders if it could have been us. Much is being discussed about protocols, prior plans and many other seemingly pertinent facts. To prevent events like this from coming to a school (or church or Walmart, etc…) near you, the answer is not in a civil solution, but in a solid relationship with Jesus Christ and His blood that was shed for us.

That is why the apostle Paul was able to say, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” That is our only hope!


September 1, 2024

I love seeing the fields ripe for the combines to come in and gather the beans or grains to take to the bins. As I have grown older, I have noticed some of the crops have more weeds than others and some have less yield than others.

While I pondered on these fields, some even side by side, I was reminded that harvest does not just begin in the fall. What is collected is the result of the planting, the fertilizer, the cultivation even ground prep and the rains or irrigation.

Likewise in our own lives, as we approach maturity, we too can see the results of the preparation in our lives. Did we readily receive the seeds of the gospel as it was planted in our hearts? Did we hide GOD’s word in our hearts that we might not sin against GOD? (Psalm 119:11) Did the weeds, (cares of this world) choke out our growth. (Mark 4:19).

Remember Paul’s words in Galatians 6:7-9, “Be not deceived; GOD is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth. That shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”


An Empty Shell

August 25, 2024

When I was a boy, I remember summer evenings filled with a loud racket outside. The noise was so loud you could hear it not only outside, but also inside and in your car with the windows rolled up and air conditioner on. When you went outside there would be creepy bug looking shells on trees, on the sides of the house.

If you happened to see one of these critters the real insect was a weird looking insect that only his mother could love. The shell that was left is scary by itself. It has bulging places where its eyes were. Then when you pick the skeleton from the place it was left by the insect you will find on the end of its legs hook like claws built for climbing and holding on. I would hate to have one turned loose in my hair on a dark night. At the very least it would scare you to death or make you hurt yourself.

When you realize it is an empty shell you remember probably the insect is still alive. The really good news is that when you look at the empty tomb you will see it was vacated, the tomb is an empty shell and Jesus is risen and alive! As Matthew 28:6 says, “He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.” The empty tomb is a reminder of the true Victory in Jesus!


Compared To What?

August 18, 2024

We are faced with choices every day. There are choices for meals or cleaning products or vacation time or place or a million other choices.

At this time, we are entering, or in the middle of a political season with some choices that are not without confusion. When man is involved, there will be sin in every case. Sometimes the choices can be determined by character and good actions. It seems lately those choices have become more blurred as we see, “There is none righteous, no, not one (Romans 3:10).”

When we compare the choices, we are expected to make, it is more important than ever to seek GOD’s wisdom in our choices and our children’s futures. James 1:5 reminds us, “If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of GOD.” 


July 21, 2024

The attitude toward commitment has changed in our lifetime, and not for the better. In days gone by, deals were made with a handshake and sometimes even without a handshake. Today we have no sense of commitment to anything past the immediate meal before us.

I was reminded of Peter when he stepped out of the boat to walk on the water committed to walking with Jesus and taking his eyes off Jesus, Peter began to sink. In his failure, Peter was exposed by the outward appearance of his wet clothing. The problem today is there is seldom any outward evidence of the failures of commitment and if there is, it is largely ignored because we know someone who is worse than we are.

The good news is God is committed to you. He encourages us with these words in Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”


Acceptable Noise Levels

July 14, 2024

When we were growing up it was always fun to be able to get together with our family, especially our cousins. This week we actually took a tour back in time as we spent some time with our girls and most of our grand-kids and greats. For the most part it was a joyous, happy roar. With all the chatter it was good to see and hear the kids enjoying life and each other.

While listening to all the racket as my grandmother would call it, I was grateful for healthy children and grandchildren that wanted to be with us, who knew how to pray and wanted to ask the blessing. I thought how much it must please God when He listens to His children.

The writer of Psalms 100:1 reminds us to: “Make a joyful noise unto The LORD all ye lands!” And remember you are acceptable to Him as a child of God, you are in the family!  


 The American Dream

July 7, 2024

The early Americans had a dream that motivated them to leave their part of the world to travel to this country in search of something better for their families. Most came for religious liberty with the hopes of fertile ground and an opportunity to carve out a place for themselves. They wanted places of safety and the freedom to worship as they pleased.

The next generation continued to forge a country that became not only successful in agriculture but also industry and technology. This success shaped and changed the dream. The dream became to own a home and car as they became available and popular. This increased to two or more autos and in many cases a boat and or motorcycle and or atvs as the dream expanded for our generation.

To keep the dream alive most, if not all, homes are fed by two income families and the god most Americans serve is the god of materialism. Compromises are made as Jehovah God becomes less and less important to the average family.

Is it any wonder that it hardly caused a ripple when our own president said, “We are no longer a “Christian” nation”? God forgive us.  The writer of Proverbs 14:34 reminds us with these words, “Righteousness”.  



I Believe

June 30, 2024

There are some things I may not know, but of this one thing I am sure, “Summer is here!” The I can’t wait for warm weather crowd should all be very satisfied. I believe Dad was right last week when he said, “I guess we can put away the snow shovel.”

I believe in The Bible which reminds us, “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:  A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2).” Since we have all been born, there also is an expectation that we will need to be ready for the time we leave earth.

I believe Jesus when he HE tells us, ““I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6).”

I believe I will obey and follow Him.


 Thank You

June 23, 2024

As the years go by it becomes apparent that none of us can take for granted that we have another year. I have noticed that folks I grew up with have aged even though that has not affected my brother or me. I do remember the first time someone gave me a senior discount when I did not even ask for it. I recall that I was not sure if I should be offended or grateful. I reluctantly chose the latter. Now when I pass a mirror I wonder not, “Who is that handsome man I see!”, but I say, “Who is that seasoned citizen looking at me?”

Thank you as a church for my gift and the celebrating with me. Thank you as individuals for the ways you wished me a happy birthday and your kind words this week. The apostle Paul puts my feelings toward you with these words in Philippians 1:3, “I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you.”  Each of you is a blessing to me and I value our friendship. God bless you and your families as we grow older together. 


Thank You

June 23, 2024

As the years go by it becomes apparent that none of us can take for granted that we have another year. I have noticed that folks I grew up with have aged even though that has not affected my brother or me. I do remember the first time someone gave me a senior discount when I did not even ask for it. I recall that I was not sure if I should be offended or grateful. I reluctantly chose the latter. Now when I pass a mirror I wonder not, “Who is that handsome man I see!”, but I say, “Who is that seasoned citizen looking at me?”

Thank you as a church for my gift and the celebrating with me. Thank you as individuals for the ways you wished me a happy birthday and your kind words this week. The apostle Paul puts my feelings toward you with these words in Philippians 1:3, “I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you.”  Each of you is a blessing to me and I value our friendship. God bless you and your families as we grow older together. 


If Any Lack Wisdom…

June 16, 2024

When a man becomes a new parent there are no handy dandy parenting for dummies books. I remember when we were expecting our first child, I knew I was not ready to parent even if Reta was. I mean at least girls for the most part back then had played ‘Mommy’ with baby dolls while I was playing army, cowboys and Indians, football or other less domesticated ventures.

In addition to my parents and a few other role models I was able to pray and use this advice from James 1:5 that says, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of GOD, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”

May we ask GOD, and then thank HIM when HE answers us by putting others in our lives to help us in our opportunities.



Look to The Ant!

 June 9, 2024

Scientists have discovered that ants, after collecting the grains and seeds that they need for winter, break those seeds down into halves before storing them in their nests. Breaking them in half keeps them from germinating even through rain and the most perfect germinating conditions exist.

However, scientists were stunned when they discovered that coriander seeds stored in the ant nest were broken down into 4 pieces instead of 2 pieces. After lab research, scientists discovered that a coriander seed will still germinate after being divided into two, but it won’t germinate after it’s divided into four parts. So how do these tiny, tiny creatures know all this?

The writer of Ecclesiastes 3:11-12 says,” He hath made everything beautiful in his time: also, he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.  I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life.”

GOD made us as we need to be to be prepared for all things. Be prepared for our redemption draweth nigh!



June 2, 2024

When we wake up each day, we have certain things we believe are going to happen. For instance, we think when we get into our cars, we expect them to start and take us where we want to go. When we go to the wall and flip a switch, we expect to see the light come on. If we go to the refrigerator, we expect not only the light to come on, but for our milk to be cold and tasty. I hate to pour the milk onto my cereal only about halfway full to see chunks spilling onto my cheerios. The expectation then is turned to disappointment especially if that is the last of the cereal and/or we have no more milk.

Even though we have many things that are dependable, things of this world can sometimes disappoint us. However, we can depend on God. Hebrews 13:11 reminds us that God and His Son Jesus is: “the same yesterday, and today and forever.”

I am glad that God is not only dependable but exceeds our expectations.


Memorial Day

May 26, 2024

Memorial Day, which is observed every year on the last Monday of May, was formerly known as Decoration Day and originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the war. By the 20th century, Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who died while in the military service.

Many will celebrate the day off without giving a thought to the men and women who gave their lives to protect our country and others around the world to keep us free and safe. As each year passes, we are reminded that our peace and safety came with a price and that price continues to grow as the terrorists continue to show us how vulnerable our soldiers are and in turn how insecure it even makes our loved ones.

I am proud of the men and women in uniform serving our country and stepping up to answer the call as countless soldiers have in the past. 

We are reminded of these words from Psalms 33:12, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” As we remember the ones who gave their lives, let us remember our creator who made us the country we have been. May we return to being a
nation whose God is The Lord.


Happy Mother’s Day!

May 12, 2024

What a special and inclusive time to celebrate. I mean there is no one alive who is here without a mother.  We are blessed in our family to celebrate a new mother in our family tree, as well as others in our extended church family.  Now both of our daughters have given us great grandchildren. What a blessing to see new generations and get to hold and cuddle them.

Most of us also have been blessed to have spiritual Moms who have prayed for us and mentored us into the Adults we have become.

The wise writer says in Proverbs 31:26: “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”

Pray for Godly mothers to help influence our next generations.


What Does It Look Like?

May 5, 2024

Everywhere you look we see things out of control and things not seeming to improve. Our world seems to have people in charge or usurping those in charge causing confusion. A big problem is that the squeaking wheel is getting the attention.

I don’t know if it is possible, but if we could just ignore the juveniles causing the problems,  it could make the situation go away. I mean how much would disappear if it were not glorified by the media.

One way at least to restore our sanity is found in Philippians 4:8 that says, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things  are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”  And enjoy a blessed day!


I Would Like To Volunteer

April 28, 2024

One thing we seldom hear is someone saying, “I’d like to volunteer.” Many people became gun-shy while in the military or by listening to those who had been there saying, “Don’t volunteer for anything!”  Then we hear someone every once in a while say, “I would like to volunteer— my brother.” Again this is a way of not committing ourselves, but someone else.

And once in a while you hear someone say, “If no one else will, I will do it.” That is not necessarily a volunteer effort, but a resort to the inevitable. After all if it has to be done… I’ll try. Then once in a great while we find someone wanting to give it a try to learn something new.  

Another opportunity comes as we draw near to God and see Him as He is and understand He is the one calling us to a task. It is then we respond to Him in obedience as the writer of Isaiah 6:8 recorded this exchange, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying: Who should I send? Who will go for Us? I said: Here I am. Send me.”


Why Did You?

April 21, 2024

When you look at the question above, you will have a different mental picture than anyone else. You will think of something possibly unknown to anyone else…unless the question is finished. My finish to the question is “Why did you praise The Lord this week?” Again, only you have the answer to that question for you.

Some praise The Lord for the warmer weather. Others for the rains we received this week. Some praise God for a good medical report and some are giving praise to The Lord for victories they had this week. Sometimes the victories may be huge and sometimes they can seem small. Your victory might seem small to me; however, to you it may have been a mountain.

To an addict or alcoholic, it may be minutes, hours, days, months, or years that they have been free from what has controlled their life for years or maybe decades. Every day we have a need to praise The Lord. The writer of Psalms 146:2 says, “While I live will I praise the LORD: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.”

Are you still alive? Do you still have your faculties? Then, the question might be “If you didn’t, why didn’t you praise The Lord?”

Don’t Lose Focus

April 14, 2024

For the past week, month, year or longer many folks have expended many hours and energies and brain cells preparing for the 8th of April. Many gave up time, money, effort and some possibly sanity for the few hours of seeing the once in a lifetime event. The sad thing about the hubbub is that while worshipping the creation many will neglect the Creator, and look away toward the next shiny object that comes along.

The wise writer of Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handywork.”

Don’t miss the magnitude of the moments GOD gives us each day. Today we have just as much reason to enjoy GOD’s expressions of love all around us. “Rejoice in The LORD always and again I say rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4).


Unsearchable Greatness

April 7, 2024

Great is The Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable. (Psalm 145:3) As I read
this psalm this week it caused me to think about greatness and what constitutes greatness. Some people are
known for one thing or the other, and some of us can accurately see there is nothing in us that could be called great.

In fact, the Bible tells us that there is none righteous at all.  I find it interesting that wherever you look you can see something God has created for us to see. He has placed many sights, sounds, smells, and tastes here for us to enjoy. To look at a fingernail, or a hair and think how much detail was placed in each minute part of your body, makes you understand how puny our minds are to try to comprehend just how magnificent our awesome God is.

To say His greatness is unsearchable is not to say we should not look at His greatness, but it reminds us we will not ever be able to exhaust by searching all the attributes of His greatness.

Truly, God is Great and worthy to be praised! Let us praise Him.


I Am Blessed!

March 31, 2024

The wise writer of Proverbs 31:10 reminds us/me, “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” Today is my wife, Reta’s birthday. Out of kindness, she can tell you how many others she’s had…if she chooses.  God has blessed us with so many wonderful years together.

I am grateful for the years we have enjoyed together. I am thankful for the children, grandchildren and the great-grandchildren GOD has blessed us with in these years. It was special to have most of our lineage with us for a few days last week to celebrate her birthday early.

She is such a blessing to me, and I am taking the advice of the writer of Ecclesiastes 9:9: “Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which e hath given thee under the sun.”

In addition to Reta’s birthday today we get to celebrate the resurrection of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ which means we will never perish but live eternally (John 3:16.).


A Most Important Week

March 24, 2024

As we approach the week of celebration Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection it is a time of reflection and introspection. It is a time for us to remember the path He walked and the purpose of all the pain and suffering that was put on Him in the process of paying for our sins.

While we are enjoying the beauty of the spring season, it is beauty in the center of the darkest time in the life of our Savior. But isn’t that crucifixion and time of resurrection? The sadness and pain Jesus endured brought forgiveness and victory over sin and death for us. The apostle Paul in Romans 5:8 told us, “But GOD commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

Praise The LORD, He Arose!


Is It Spring?            

March 17, 20264

This week we have seen the temperatures climbing into the seventies and some showers, and then we see the storms passing through our state. Flowers are blooming, and yards are starting to grow even if it is just our weeds greening up our lawns. If the storms and hail are not enough evidence of spring being right around the corner, just look at next week’s weather forecast.

At least two days this coming week are to be in the low thirties, possibly reaching the freezing level. While our weather is not always as predictable as we want it, Our GOD is faithful. As Deuteronomy 7:9 says, “Know therefore that the Lord thy GOD, the faithful GOD, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations.”

Thank GOD for His love and faithfulness.


Did You Notice?

March 10, 2024

A week or two ago I saw what I would call butter-cups, peeping out from nandinas in front of the church. I asked my sister, a Master Gardener, if these were Daffodils or Jonquils. Then the discussion grew into a lesson greater than I needed or desired. She pulled it up on Google and proceeded to tell me the finer points of each.

While I saw a couple of flowers, she saw the scientific category and other depths of the plant. What I saw was a couple of ‘buttercups’ blooming and doing what GOD had made them for, even in the midst of the shrubs or could have even been weeds. They were bringing beauty to the place where they were planted.

We do well to remember these words of Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “In everything give thanks for this is the will of GOD in Christ Jesus concerning you.”


It Takes a Village

March 3, 2024

In every community, church, even family, there are challenges and opportunities around every corner. Think about our church family. We have illness, loss of loved ones, injuries and celebrations going on at the same time. Sometimes all of the above occur at the same time, or one or more following each other. As life deals each of us our hand, we get to see how the spiritual gifts manifest themselves through the friends and families GOD has placed in our lives.

The trials we share strengthen us to be able to prepare us for the next opportunities. Trials in your life help encourage others as they face like trials. Bless you as you have walked with our family in both celebrations and trials.

Ephesians 4:16 reminds us, “The whole body is fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.”


Thank You!

February 18, 2o24

As we celebrated Dad’s 95th birthday this week and were once again reminded of how blessed we are to have you in our lives. We asked for help in getting 95 cards for his birthday and you responded in a mighty way. I believe First Baptist Church Petit Jean was the largest group represented in the cards.

He actually received more than 100 cards by the time they all came in and it was a blessing to see and hear him read and comment on each one. He was touched and appreciative of the friends of his children and folks he had worked with over the years. Thank you and Bless you for being a blessing to Dad and us.

I agree with these words of the apostle Paul in Philippians 1:3-5, “I thank my GOD upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now.”

Thank you and may GOD bless you for your service to our family.


Living For Jesus

February 11, 2024

One of my favorite songs is Living For Jesus. It is a song that helps me to think about the need for us to remember that we are The King’s kids.

It reminds us to live as we should as ambassadors for Christ (2Corinthians 5:20). We are on display to those who know us and are watching us as a representative of who we are. It is important for us to remember not only who we are, but also ‘Whose’ we are and ‘Who’ we represent.

A major reason we must live for Jesus, to be true to our own selves and to live knowing we are the only Bible some folks will ever read.

Truly we must be “Living for Jesus.”


Just Think

January 28, 2024

What an interesting couple of weeks it has been. First, we got an ample supply of cold to set up the conditions for the snow to last. The snow hung on and stayed with us long enough that most were ready for both the cold and snow to disappear.

Then as the temperatures began to return to normal the rains began to fall. If the moisture was in the air as it was the week before, we would have had a terrible mess. Now after only a few days, we are all pretty much ready for the rain to go away. However, with all the opportunities, this is part of the beauty of living in an area where the climate is not so boring.

The apostle Paul encourages us to “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice” (Philippians 4:4). That will allow us to as he said in Philippians 4:11, “I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”

Just think, tomorrow, this will change also…


Given Enough Time

January 21, 2024

Given enough time many things can happen. Given enough time most of us learned how to ride a bike. Given enough time most of us learned how to swim. Given enough time most of us learned how to read and write. Given enough time most of us settled down and got married. Sometimes the settling down had to be given a little more time for some of us, if we ever did.

Given enough time there are many things we can learn to do, but… there are some things for which there just isn’t enough time. Some of us will never have enough time to straighten up, and none of us will ever have enough time to get good enough to deserve the love GOD has given to each of us.  

The writer of Galatians 4:4-7 reminds us that, “When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.   Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.”

Thank GOD, HE had enough time for us.


Are You Cool Enough?

January 14, 2024

This question is best asked when it is 90 degrees outside. It is a dumb question for what we are going to face in this coming week. I will bet there is not going to be anyone that will not be cool enough this week and probably be too cool/cold in the next few days.

When days for some reason or other do not go the way we desire, whether too hot or too cold or for any other external situation we must look up. The apostle Paul gives us this advice in Philippians 4:11-13, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

So… You betcha! Even I am cool enough.


What Makes You Feel Alive?

January 7, 2024

The title is a question that was part of a commercial that was on television as I prepared for this article. Since I only saw a portion of the ad, it sent my mind into a series of questions concerning the focus of this question. 

Was is toothpaste? Was it deodorant? Was it a vacation destination? In reality, no matter how they try to sell it, external forces seldom bring joy to us and bring disappointment rather than the promised results.

Jesus gives us not a solution, but ‘the’ solution with these words in John 10:9-10, “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

What a blessing when we come to God through Jesus (because He is the only way) we get to really live. Now that will make you feel alive!